- Jan 07, 2020
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BOBECHES | bō-ˈbesh
A collar or bowl shape on a chandelier arm to hold suspended glass prisms
If only we had penny for everytime someone asks us that question. 💰
- It is like a little disc that has clips on that you can attach the crystals to?
- It looks like a little bowl that is on the arms of the chandelier but you can hang crystals off it?
- I have these crystal dish type thing that is on my chandelier and one of them broke, what is that called?
- I have a metal collar on my chandelier that I want to hang crystals from, can I still add bobeches to my chandelier?
I know it is a tricky piece on any chandelier, but it is also one of my very favorite pieces of a chandelier. It give so much possibility to updating a chandelier. You can change a old brass 70's chandelier into a gorgeous new unique chandelier custom made for your home decor. You can have as much fan with your chandelier makeover as your imagination, time and budget allows.
I have seen some really nasty, cheap looking chandeliers get spray painted in soft colors like off white, silver, light blue and then by adding crystals to a chandelier, Voila! Instant transformation.
How about spray painting the entire thing in bold colors like teal, fuschia or orange, again... just add crystals as you have a chandelier DIY that looks like you spent the big money!
Want to know a little secret? You can even spray paint the crystals to give you unique colors that are not always produced.
So how do bobeches fit into all this? Well look at your chandelier, the one you are considering giving a makeover to, more specifically look at the area where the light bulb screws in. Does it have little holes that you can hang crystals from? If it does, great! You're in business. BUT... if it doesn't, that is where a bobeche can really help. Once you remove the light bulb, and the sleeve that makes it look like a candle, you can slide the crystal bobeche on, replace the sleeve and the light bulb. WHAT? 😲
Look at that! Now you have a way to attach crystal strands to a chandelier! Don't want to add crystal garland, ok. Then just connect the crystal pendalogues to the bobeche and there you have a crystal chandelier.
Are you feeling a bit overwhelmed at this concept? You don't have to go it alone, we have chandelier crystal designers that can assist you with all your questions. We can help you step by step to choose exactly what you need to give your chandelier a complete makeover on any budget.