What are people using chandelier crystals for ?
Just about everything you can imagine. There are so many DIY hanging crystals projects, some as simple as hanging crystals from the ceiling. Others a bit more creative are making a crystal prism suncatcher. Ultimately there is no wrong way to hang crystals in a window.
At Cristalier we have seen crystal prisms uses:
Lighting - Chandeliers, recessed lights, sconces, lamps, floor lamps, vanity lights
Home decor - Swagged on pretty much anything in a home. Statues, over mantles, curtains, art, as tiebacks, even in a bowl.
Crafts - People use crystals to make crystal angels, crystal mobiles, crystal ornaments. They paint crystals, decoupage crystals, use chandelier crystals in jewelry.
Holidays & Special Events - People love to add chandelier crystal prisms to Christmas trees, wedding trees, crystals hung on tree branches as centerpieces.
There are so many uses for crystals besides just hanging them on a chandelier. If you come across vintage crystals - grab them up. At Cristalier we are all about #savethecrystals. It is wonderful when you can recycle vintage crystals, but if you need new crystals, we can help you with that also.
- May 17, 2020
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When I get dressed each day, there are a few staple pieces that go without mention (aka the unmentionables) but do I really feel completely ready for the day unless I have my jewelry on? Don't get me wrong, I am not a super fashionable woman who wears the most trendy jewelry. I don't. I do however, always have my diamond studs in (second hole) and my gold thumb ring. It is my sparkle. My accessory items that complete the appearance that I do, somewhat... have my style pulled together. Is this the part where I add in, that I have worn the same thumb ring and earrings for over 20 years? They are classics. Simple and sparkly. They will never go out of style (think little black dress). Just like my crystal chandeliers.
My home is simple. I used to live in a really fancy place, adorned with 9 crystals chandeliers. Yes, I even had one over my bathtub. Those days are long gone, but the beauty of chandelier crystals still remains in my heart. There is a reason why you still see the most beautiful of crystal chandeliers in palaces, from yesteryear. They are a timeless beauty, much like the simple gold wedding band and diamond stud earrings, I wear everyday.
Crystal chandeliers are the jewels of your home. They add the little extra piece to pull it all together and showcase a finished look. Crystal chandeliers change style. They go from modern to traditional. They can have one simple clear crystal replacement chandelier crystal style to multiple mixed colors, sizes and shapes of hanging crystals. The main frame of the chandelier range from traditional gold, bronze or silver to colors like white, pink or black. The sky's the limit (or should I say the ceiling?) There is no wrong way to have a crystal chandelier in your home. And, why stop at one?
Now you can 2 or even 3 chandeliers over a kitchen island. Chandeliers hung as lamps on either side of a bed. I especially love seeing closets with chandeliers! (yes, I have a small one in my closet) I mean, who doesn't feel like a princess, with a crystal chandelier lighting the way?
With so many chandeliers being upcycled, it is crazy easy to update your chandelier with a quick DIY chandelier makeover. Remove the light, remove the crystals, clean it really good and SPRAY PAINT IT. Definitely let it dry really well (24 hours should do it), put it back up and add crystals. Want to be really wild? you can even spray paint the crystals! SAY WHAT?! Yep!! Go for that new trendy and crazy color! Be unique!
In my home now, I still have multiple crystal adorned lights. In my bedroom, I replaced that awful ceiling light with a soft golden crystal chandelier.
In my master walk in closet, I replaced the ceiling light with a crystal ceiling light.
In my guest room(sorry no pic), I also replaced the cheap contractor $5 light with a crystal beaded light. I am not talking expensive either. It was the most inexpensive light fixtures I could find. I just spray painted it, replaced the crystals with Cristalier Crystals and put it up!
In my staircase area. I had four sconces. Builder grade, cheap'o sconces (like $9.99 each) I added bobeches to each one along with some crystals and voila! Stunning! Oh yeah, I even added a huge 80mm crystal ball to banister (as a finial)
In my dining room, I took down the nasty chandelier & replaced it with a chandelier I got for free off craigslist. It looked like branches, so I spray painted it a deep bronze color. I then painted the ceiling to look like the sky with birds. Seriously took me like 3 hours and less than $20 in materials. Totally worth it. (yes, I just nailed up trim to the ceiling, caulked it in and painted it different color inside. It looks like a coffered ceiling but it isn't)
I also added 3 crystal accented pendant lights to my island Ok, those were a bit spendy at $60 each (but I love them and the sparkles they give off)
I even added a strand of crystals to my bathroom mirror light and hung a couple crystals from there. Looks so elegant and adds a touch of bling.
You seriously don't need to be extra fancy or richy rich to add crystals to your home decor. I'm not, but I feel like I am, when I see the rainbows and sparkle around my home.
So no matter what your style, you can always add crystals in to step it up. They are timeless and will always look good.
Need to see more inspirational looks? Here is gallery of so many chandeliers and sconces that crystals were added to !
- Apr 25, 2020
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If you have a love of crystals, a flair for jewelry or home decor ,and an entrepreneurial spirit, crafting with crystals can be a great hobby that can also help you get your mind off more pressing matters in life. If you're interested in learning more about getting started crafting with crystals, read on.
Space Needs
Whether you're working with crystals as a hobby or side hustle, you'll need adequate room to craft. Dedicate a corner in a single room for your work station. Ensure that it's well-lit and far away from any distractions. You can set up shop in your guest bedroom, for example. When life gets too hectic, you're free to shut the door behind you and work on your next crystal project. Lastly, find and utilize a desk with multiple drawers and cabinets to organize your crafting tools. Use a label maker to mark the outside of each drawer or cabinet so that you never have to struggle to find the clasp, crystal or chain you need.
Your Tools
It's important to keep your tool box organized to prevent losing your tools, so invest in a chest with multiple compartments. You'll also need a few instruments to complete a variety of projects, including repairing crystal chandeliers. First, ensure you have a sturdy pair of pliers. You'll also need a wirecutter to help trim down any excess wire when you're creating necklaces, bracelets, and rings. You'll also need to find a specific and signature stone you want to work with. If you're making jewelry, rose quartz, in particular, looks lovely on a variety of skin tones. It's also known for its healing properties. Other tools you'll need include drills, beading, thread and a hole puncher.
Try New Projects
Don't limit your talents. Constantly explore new projects in the world of crystal crafting. Aside from making jewelry, create a set of crystal-inspired coasters you can show off the next time you have company over for drinks. A crystal-lined picture frame is also sure to look stunning in your home or make a gift that a loved one will treasure.
While knitting, painting, writing, and drawing are all fantastic hobbies to have, crafting with crystals may be your calling. Starting a new venture can get intimidating if you don't know what tools you need or what kinds of rules to follow. Thankfully, there are no set regulations for creating beautiful art with crystals. Therefore, consider these tips as guidelines and allow your creativity to run wild.
- Apr 14, 2020
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